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Chapter News

  • Open Board Positions

    Hello Members!

    We have a few committee and board positions opening in March 2024. Anyone interested should review the information below.  We will look at a resume/CV and letter of intent from anyone who is interested, and has dues paid up to date. If you are interested in election for the following positions, please send your letter of intent and resume/CV to Dr. Denys Goozee, Leadership Succession Committee Chair, at denys.goozee@aspen.edu no later than Friday, February 23.  Be sure to denote which position(s) you are interested in. Positions are elected for a maximum of two years. Open positions for 2024 are as follows: 

    Treasurer                                                                                                                                                           Counselor (also Governance Committee Chair) *must be an Aspen Employee
    Leadership Succession Committee Member 1
    Governance Committee Member 1

    Below is information from our bylaws detailing the role and responsibility of each board position. Note that the Governance Chair (Counselor) must be a current employee of Aspen University so if you are not currently an Aspen Employee, you cannot be considered for that position. Also note that in order to be a board member or serve on any committee you must be an active member with all dues paid.

    Article VIII. Officers

    Section 1.  Titles

    1. The officers of this chapter shall be: president, president-elect (optional), vice president (at-large chapters may have one vice president representing each institution of higher education and practice setting), secretary, treasurer and counselor (at-large chapters shall have one or more counselors from each institution of higher education and practice setting). Chapters may choose to delete president-elect if the chapter does not designate one and indicate the titles of any additional officers. Chairs of Governance, Leadership, and Financial committees are considered voting board members.

     The president, with the approval of the Board of Directors, when appropriate, shall appoint such other persons as may be necessary to conduct the business of the chapter.

    Section 2.  Vacancies

    The vice president fills the vacancy of president (at-large chapters shall designate a vice president to fill such vacancies); other offices are filled by appointment of the Board of Directors until the next election.

     Section 3.  Duties

    Each officer shall submit a report at each Board of Directors meeting and to members at the annual business meeting.  Additionally, the president and treasurer are responsible for submitting required chapter reports to Sigma Theta Tau International Headquarters.

    The specific duties of the chapter officers shall be as follows and as outlined in the chapter’s policy and procedure manual:

    1. The president shall be the executive officer and shall administer all business of the Society as provided for by the bylaws. The president serves as chief representative of the chapter in inter-chapter activities and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except Leadership Succession Committee.
    2. The president-elect (optional) shall succeed into the presidency at the end of the term of office and shall promote the purposes of the Society.
    3. The vice president shall perform the duties of the president in the president's absence. The vice president, or designee, shall oversee the planning of at least two chapter programs/events annually. (In an at-large chapter, a designated vice president shall perform these duties.)
    4. The secretary shall prepare and distribute meeting minutes and correspondence.
    5. The treasurer shall be the custodian of the funds of this chapter and may be bonded in an amount equal to three-fourths of the worth of the chapter. The treasurer shall propose a budget to the Board.
    6. A counselor shall be a member of the faculty at the institution of higher education where the chapter is located, with the exception of counselors within Alumni chapters or practice settings who oversee Nurse Leader inductions and who are not required to be faculty.

     Article IX. Elections

    Section 1.  Elections

    Elections shall be held annually by ballot, by mail, or electronic means.

    Section 2.  Positions

    Only active regular members of the chapter can be considered for elected offices or appointed positions.

    Chapter officers, directors (optional) and members of the Leadership Succession Committee shall be elected. Members of the Governance Committee may be elected by the chapter membership or appointed by the elected officers.

    Section 3.  Vote

    A majority vote shall be required for election, except that, when there are more than two candidates running for the same office or position, a plurality shall elect.  In the event of a tie, the election shall be determined by lot.

    Section 4. Terms

    1. The length of the term of all officers is two (2) years.
    2. Terms of office are staggered so that all officers, directors and the Governance and Leadership Succession Committee members do not end their terms at the same time.
    3. A chapter may elect a president-elect for a one-year term. This term shall occur during the second year of the current president. The president-elect shall then succeed to president for two (2) years.

    Article X. Committees

    Section 1.  Standing Committees

    1. The standing committees shall be: Governance Committee, Leadership Succession Committee, and others if desired.
    2. The term of office shall be two years. A member may be reappointed or elected for a second consecutive term, except for members of the Leadership Succession Committee who may serve a maximum of two (2) years and are elected according to Article IX. Elections Section 4.
    3. Each standing committee shall present a report to the business meetings of the Board of Directors and an annual report to the membership at the annual business meeting.
    4. Each committee prepares, reviews and makes recommendations regarding policies corresponding to its area of responsibility for Board of Directors approval.

    Section 2.  Governance Committee

    1. The Governance Committee shall oversee bylaws compliance, make recommendations for bylaws changes and oversee member and chapter eligibility issues.
    2. The Governance Committee shall consist of at least three (3) elected/appointed members and the elected counselor. The president shall appoint a chair of the committee from those elected/appointed.

    Section 3.  Leadership Succession Committee

    1. Mission – The Leadership Succession Committee shall develop members in organizational leadership roles across the span of their careers, mentor members to assume organizational board and officer positions at all levels of the organization. The committee shall select nominees and prepare the ballot. The ballot will be sent to the Board of Directors at least four (4) weeks prior to a scheduled election.
    2. Membership – The Leadership Succession Committee shall consist of three (3) elected members. The president shall appoint a chair of the committee from those elected.
    3. The Leadership Succession Committee members shall not be eligible for any elected office of the current ballot.

    ​Thank you for your consideration! ​

  • Welcome New Members

    We would like to extend our congratulations and a warm welcome to our newest members who were inducted into the chapter on Saturday, September 29. Please join me in welcoming these members into Alpha Beta Alpha! A link to the ceremony will be posted for viewing.

    Thank you,

    Amy Sapp


  • Scholarship Offerings

    Hello Alpha Beta Alpha Members!

    We are excited to announce that the chapter is offering three scholarships for students. There will be one scholarship offered in the DNP program, one in the MSN program, and one in the BSN program. Please see the discussions section of the Alpha Beta Alpha website for eligibility information and how to apply. Please note that applications must be submitted no later than October 31, 2023. For any questions, please contact Amy Sapp at amsapp24@gmail.com or Deb Bostic at debybostic@yahoo.com.

    Thank you,

    Amy Sapp

    Alpha Beta Alpha


Chapter Events